Tak se nám vzali další dva skvělí lidé, které jsem potkala přes ještě skvělejší kamarádku. Už ranní přípravy svědčily o skvěle naplánované a organizované svatbě :) Svatba byla výborná, ženich se dmul pýchou a nevěsta byla přenádherná. Kostel sv. Václava v Opavě, který poskytl “útočiště” pro obřad, dýchal skvělou atmosférou, housle se nesly tímto chrámem v ozvěnách historie. Možná pro někoho trochu nedodělaná a oprýskaná místnost, pro mě nevyčerpatelný prostor možností a invencí pro fotky. Škoda, že jsme toho času neměli na focení více. Ale vyřádili jsme se ještě dostatečně na rozhledně Cvilín, kde vznikaly převážně portrétní fotografie. Doteď si pamatuju Zuzku, jak si vykasala sukně a na podpatcích si to šmárovala až na vrchol rozhledny, aniž by ji něco rozhodilo :D do toho ji vítr čechral vlasy a závoj, dokud jí ho tedy neodnesl vítr na rozhledně z hlavy pryč.. Trochu jsem je asi potrápila, ale spolupracovalo se mi s nimi výborně a fotky snad stojí za to:) Děkuji vám za všechno a těším se na další spolupráci v budoucnu.
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17. 7. 2009
Do you like magics? Do you like mystery? Do you think there is somebody who can cut people without cutting them? :) I do and I know somebody who is not cutting people, but can do amazing trics with cards, small taws, and many other breathtaking things. He is trained by himself and all trics are made in his own head. Even his girlfriend doesnt know the secret of the trick, thats how its important to keep it not know. He asked me to take some photos for him, hope he will conjure up some nice house for me one day :D As a photographer I was pleased that he had some ideas and he knew what he wants. I was just taking pictures and had really great time. All photos were taken within 2 hours in our cultural house.
He is real professional, im not kidding :)
A bit of mystery.
Isn´t he cute? :)
This picture was the most difficult one, he had to trought at me around 100 cards before we got this shot :)
Hidding behind the cards. His eyes can hypnotize you.
20. 6. 2009
Radka a Ondra Ďuricovi
Sooo, we have it here! I´ve dreamt about it so long, but now my first official wedding shooting for my schoolmate Radka and her boyfriend Ondra was here! I´ve knew both very well since I was kid so it was a pleasure to be with them at such nice day of their lifes :) Did you feel that stomag tickling anytime ? Keeping me think about arranging pictures, what to do if its raining, if if … On friday night we had small meeting with Radka and Petra and we had already good feeling about wedding. But the weather made us worried a bit, cos it was raining sooo much! We prayed for a good weather, thats all you can actually do! So unfair. Girls had still some work to do (last cosmetic adjustments) but I crawl into my bed and slept tide.
Morning was terribly raining, unbelievable! Didn´t book any atelier, so we have to take umbrelas and shoot outsite :D No problem, we talked about it and Radka was perfectly prepared for anything ! I think she knew better what to do then me in many situations :D The best time for shooting are always preparations of the bride and even this time it was marvelous. Nervosity came aro und noon when the groom should come and whole family into their small flat. But we managed everything, people seemed to enjoy this day a lot, party was crazy and wild. Many pictures were taken and then it took one week to adjust them all to be ready to hand them out. I like some of them very much.
Good luck for you two :)
The first look into the mirror after cosmetics adjustments :)
She is already beautiful, isnt she?
Hmm, evolution..? :D
All in good time, no hurry, no stress.
Collection from the preparation time.
What´s the feeling of letting your daughter to other man..?
Shooting in the rain was wonderful, better then I expected.
Haha, I like this shoot soo much when bride has to run on her own without a help :D
And group photo of her family and close persons.
19. 6. 2009
Svatební květinová výzdoba firmy UNIPOL
Ke svatbám kromě krásných svatebních šatů, stolů plných jídla a pití, neodmyslitelně patří i květiny a květinová výzdoba. Někdo si možná této mravenčí práce všiml, někdo možná ne. Každopádně to, co občas vídám na svatbách, si myslím zaslouží alespoň malou zmínku. S firmou UNIPOL jsem se setkala na svatebním veletrhu v Ostravě a navzájem jsme si nabídli “podnikatelskou výpomoc” a reklamu. Dne 19.6. jsem byla pozvána na jednu malou, ale nádhernou svatbu ve Staré Vsi nad Onřejnicí, abych tam nafotila květinovou výzdobu velice zručného pana Poláška. Následující fotky myslím mluví za vše :)